Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

application letter

Pandanrangkang, Kedungjambal, Tawangsari

Application Letter

PT. Astra Honda Motor
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 57
Jakarta Barat, Indonesia, Kode Pos JKT 10000

3rd February 2012

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am interested in a position of mechanic. I was graduated from Motorcycle Engineering of SMK Tunas Bangsa Tawangsari Sukoharjo. I am capable to assemble, repair, and maintain the motorcycle machine well. So, I write this letter to apply the position.
Because I love the products of Astra Honda Motor, especially motorcycle I want to apply the position of mechanic. Every time, I used motorcycle to help all my activities. So, I know all about motorcycle, Honda motorcycle. When I was at school, I was getting good achievement. I got first rank for six semesters. And, I have good score in job on training industry. Beside that, I can speak English and Japanese fluently.
I can do the job of machine motorcycle well. I hope I get the time for personal interview. I am ready to get interview anytime. I am really interested in this position and I hope you ask me to come to your company to get interview. You can contact me by phone. The number is 089878675645. Thank you very much for reading and understanding my application letter.



1.      Curriculum Vitae
2.      Certificates of School.
3.      Certificates of training.
4.      Copy of Personal Identity.
5.      SKCK
6.      3 Photos (4 x 6)

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